Robert Poynton
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Home | Articles | There’s no such thing as a bad idea – or is there?

There’s no such thing as a bad idea – or is there?

April 5, 2013 – 1 min read


People often say there is no such thing as a bad idea. I disagree. I think there are plenty of bad ideas. I have lots of them myself.
Instead, I prefer to say… ‘there is no such thing as a good idea….yet’. I think that is much more useful direction for anyone interested in having ideas.

It changes the emphasis. It suggests that we shouldn’t expect any idea to be perfect from the outset and that any and every idea can (and should) evolve into a better one. This gives new ideas the protection they need and allows any idea, how silly or odd it may sound to have potential. However, in addition it also encourages us to build on them. So, yes there are bad ideas, but if we build on them they might evolve into good ones.

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